Marine communication/navigation electronics such as programmable data transceivers, GPS and other microprocessor-controlled devices require clean and steady DC input power. Their sensitive circuitry is highly vulnerable to voltage drop from engine start, noise and line spikes from alternators and motors, and conducted noise from various other electronic devices. NAV-PAC prevents these conditions from affecting electronics.
- Prevents voltage “drop-out” during engine start and/or other high intermittent loads such as Thrusters
- Absorbs line “spikes”
- Filters out electrical interference
- Provides supplemental voltage/battery back-up for up to 15 min.
- Optional remote panel (773-5037-0)
12 Volt @ 20 amps max.
24 Volt @ 15 amps max.
Battery: Sealed Rechargeable 5.0 Amp-Hour, 5-7 years typical life, can be replaced. Low-voltage disconnect circuit protects battery from total discharge. Certified by DOT and IATA for shipment by air.
Noise Filtering: Audio through 200 MHZ
Voltage Spike Protection: Transient energy capability; 100 Joules, 4,000 amps Max (8 x 20 micro seconds)
Back-Up Power | |
12V | 24V |
8A for 15 minutes | 8A for 15 minutes |
12A for 8 minutes | 12A for 8 minutes |
18A for 2 minutes | 15A for 2 minutes |
20A for 1 minutes | ———————- |
Size (H x W x D):
12V: 5.25″ x 6.2″ x 7.4″ (13.3 X 15.7 X 18.8 cm)
24V: 6.0” x 6.75” x 7.5” (13.3 x 17.14 x 19 cm)
12V: 5.9 lbs. (2.7 Kg.)
24V: 8 lbs. (3.6 Kg.)
Panel Dimensions: 3.5” W x 2” H (8.9 x 5.1 cm)
Model | Description |
NP-12 | Nav-Pac, 12V, 20 Amps |
NP-24 | Nav-Pac, 24V, 15 Amps |
U.S. PATENT #: 5172292